Friday, December 18, 2015

Pieces for the New Year

 Before you know it, it will be time for the Scott Antique Market in January so I have already started gathering items to sell.

Wendy and I never discuss what we have found or have a theme, however all of our finds work so well together that you would think we actually had a plan.

Here are a few of the piece's I came across this week, of course I have a long way to go but I think this is a good start.

I can never pass up anything pertaining to dogs and this pair of bookends was no exception, and
the old US Bakery box still displays some of its original label, with a hinged lid.

The green painted wood bucket is absolutely to die for, the perfect color and wear!

It's hard to see how very beautiful this piece is by the photo. The tray is metal and the loaf shaped dome is very heavy wavy glass. I'm not sure of it's original use but it would look beautiful covering some bits and pieces of treasures.

I love this old wood and iron tray, in the store it was decorated for Christmas, however it has so many more uses. This is one of the pieces I would love to keep for myself...

I definitely have a thing for boxes, they are all over my house and this is another one that will be hard to part with. It has remnants of green paint on the top and the bottom is a wood with a woven rattan or wicker. I would date this back to the early 1900's, quite possibly a sewing box.

Well that is all I have for now, I am sure I will be posting other pictures soon, Piper is checking everything out just to be sure there isn't a toy hidden amongst the goods.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Elf on a Shelf


I have a weird anomaly that makes me purchase odd objects I find in antique stores.
Let me explain, if there is an old rubber squeaky toy that is in the shape of an animal, no matter how bad it's condition I have to buy it and give it a home. For some reason I feel like it has been abandoned and it makes me sad. 
So recently when I was in a local antique shop I found this...
He was sitting by himself amongst old beat up barn items and architectural pieces and I thought how sad that he was just discarded and not even considered for his age and size. Now my little elf on a shelf will be cherished for years to come.