Friday, January 15, 2016

Start of a New Year ~ Nurturing your Vintage Soul


Like many of us, at the start of each new year we resolve to do something better in our lives or the lives of others...and like many of us, myself included we don't stick to them for very long. Don't get me wrong, I know our intentions are good but then life gets in the way and before you know it we don't follow through.
A few years ago I resolved to make sure if I had a good experience in a shop, hotel, restaurant, etc., I would not only praise the employee for a job well done but to write a letter of praise to either the management or the company itself. This is one I have stuck with because I realize everyone needs a pat on the back, or to be recognized as more then just a warm body.
This year I resolved to quit procrastinating, yes that is me with a CAPITAL P! I wait till the last minute to do anything and I mean anything and then scramble in the last hour to get things done.  
I have wanted to get a space in another antique store in addition to the one I am currently in, Ms. Wendy's Antiques. Like always I put it off because I was too nervous, didn't know the people well, too many talented people I would be sharing the store with, blah, blah, blah! Well guess what those are just the excuses of a Procrastinator! 
 There I said it
To make a very long story short, I DID IT! March 1st will be my big debut in an awesome antique store right here in Georgia called
Vintage Village is in a town called Snellville, which is close to Stone Mountain. The dealers are soooo talented and they find the most amazing pieces. I appreciate that the store rules keep the standards high and when someone walks in they do not wade through garage sale finds. I am very excited about my new adventure and will keep you posted! In the meantime, check them out by clicking the link above!